Cannabis and Night Terrors: Can Weed Help Alleviate Night Terrors?

Fact-checked by Alexandra Arnett, MS

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Night terrors can be debilitating. Individuals who experience this condition will have intense episodes during their sleep. These episodes, also known as sleep terrors, often include fear, severe movement while asleep, and screaming.

Children are the most likely group to experience night terrors. While adults can experience this sleep disturbance, most research and medical knowledge relates to children and adults with PTSD

Many people confuse night terrors and nightmares. However, these are two different things, and a few defining features separate them. 

Many individuals remember their nightmares, but it's common to have no recollection of night terrors. Some adults may be able to recall small details about their night terrors, but this is rare, and most people have no memory of their episodes. Nightmares may also have no physical manifestations, whereas night terrors often involve movement.

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What Causes Night Terrors?

Night terrors result when the central nervous system becomes too aroused during sleep. Individuals experiencing night terrors remain asleep even during an episode, though they may appear awake. 

The brain naturally goes through various stages during a night of sleep. Night terrors occur when there is a dysregulated shift between sleep stages.

There is not one cause, such as lack of exercise, that results in night terrors in every case. It’s possible that the following factors could contribute to night terrors:

  • A medication change
  • Caffeine consumption (this depends on the individual and their tolerance)
  • High-stress levels
  • New environments
  • Overtiredness

Night Terror Signs & Symptoms

Night terrors can manifest themselves in different ways. If you are experiencing night terrors, you may note one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Confused states
  • Dilated pupils
  • Extreme sweating
  • Heightened heart rate
  • Severe thrashing during sleep

Can Cannabis Help Alleviate Night Terrors?

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Night terrors can be very disruptive and challenging to cope with. You've probably thought about possible treatments if you’ve been experiencing night terrors.

For some people, THC can be incredibly effective for sleep. There is a significant need for more research surrounding cannabis and sleep. Many consumers use cannabis to help them fall or stay asleep. However, research from 2021 found that cannabis use in some consumers negatively impacted sleep and altered circadian rhythms, including decreasing REM sleep (though that may be positive for individuals suffering from night terrors).1 

It’s challenging to discuss the exact specifics of cannabis use and night terrors, primarily because children are the most likely to experience this sleep disturbance. This presents apparent challenges for research, as children are not often the focus of medical cannabis studies. Most recent studies surrounding cannabis and sleep have focused on participants with pain. One review noted that individuals experienced improved sleep quality, reduced nightmares, and improved sleep latency and continuity.2

It’s important to note that cannabis has demonstrated the ability to decrease REM sleep. This could be promising for those with night terrors, as REM sleep is where most dreaming occurs.1

One group of people likely to benefit from medical cannabis is those with PTSD. Many states classify PTSD as a qualifying condition for a medical cannabis card, as the diagnosis can often impact sleep.3 Those with PTSD are at a higher risk for night terrors.4

Because cannabis has been shown to decrease REM sleep, it could also lead to decreased dreaming in general.1 If you’re wondering how to eliminate night terrors, speak with your doctor about trying cannabis. While it may not be the top recommended solution for those with night terrors, it may be effective for some people to facilitate restful, relaxed sleep.

Legality and Doctor’s Recommendation

To determine if your state considers night terrors to be a qualifying condition for medical cannabis, check out our Laws & Regulations section for the medical cannabis rules for your state.

If you find that your state recognizes night terrors or their symptoms as a qualifying medical condition, you can seek a doctor’s recommendation to get your medical cannabis card in your state.

How NuggMD Can Help

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NuggMD is the nation's leading medical cannabis technology platform, serving patients in more than half the states in the U.S. We’ve connected over 1,300,000 patients with their new medical cannabis doctors face-to-face via our state-of-the-art telemedicine platform. 

We believe that every human being has the right to explore the benefits of medical cannabis and are fully committed to helping each patient explore all their options in their journey to wellness. For further information on whether you qualify for medical cannabis, select your state.

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Frequently Asked Questions About Cannabis & Night Terrors

Does weed stop dreams? 

Cannabis may impact the ability to dream.1 However, it’s likely that this only occurs while an individual is under the influence of cannabis or uses cannabis very regularly. Some people don’t like the idea of not being able to dream. However, for those who have unsettling dreams, cannabis can provide relief.

What dose should I take when using cannabis for night terrors? 

How much cannabis someone consumes is subjective, and no standard dose is recommended for all consumers. Lower THC doses will likely still be effective when dealing with night terrors. You may want to consider increasing your dose if you have an extremely high tolerance. However, it’s important to start with a low dose and slowly increase as needed.

If I don’t want to try THC, can I try CBD instead? 

More research is needed in this area. CBD could be an alternative if you don't like how THC's effects feel. However, some consumers feel that CBD isn't as effective as THC when it comes to dealing with night terrors. While further study is needed, THC currently demonstrates greater promise at alleviating unwanted dreams or night terrors.

Does weed help you sleep? 

For most people, the answer is yes. Many find that it’s easier to fall asleep after they’ve used cannabis. However, some strains are better at providing this effect than others. While researchers are still trying to understand the long-term effects of cannabis, cannabis will likely help most people fall asleep.

I feel tired even after I wake up from a night of sleep. Could cannabis help with this? 

While cannabis can help facilitate sleep, consider speaking with a doctor about your concerns. There may be an underlying reason why you’re struggling to feel rested after a night of sleep.


  1. Edwards D, Filbey FM. Are Sweet Dreams Made of These? Understanding the Relationship Between Sleep and Cannabis Use. Cannabis Cannabinoid Res. 2021;6(6):462-473. doi:10.1089/can.2020.0174
  2. Choi S, Huang BC, Gamaldo CE. Therapeutic Uses of Cannabis on Sleep Disorders and Related Conditions. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology. 2020;37(1):39-49. doi:
  3. Bonn-Miller MO, Babson KA, Vandrey R. Using cannabis to help you sleep: heightened frequency of medical cannabis use among those with PTSD. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2014;136:162-165. doi:10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2013.12.008
  4. Germain A. Sleep disturbances as the hallmark of PTSD: where are we now?. Am J Psychiatry. 2013;170(4):372-382. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2012.12040432

The information in this article and any included images or charts are for educational purposes only. This information is neither a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional legal advice or medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions about laws, regulations, or your health, you should always consult with an attorney, physician or other licensed professional.

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