Connecticut Cannabis Laws & Regulations

Connecticut weed laws

Connecticut is the fourth most densely populated state in the US. Sandwiched between New York and Massachusetts, it is home to many cross-state commuters. With several major rivers running through the state, Connecticut has a vibrant boating culture and plenty of cozy coastal towns away from its tightly packed urban centers. The state boasts the largest median household income and highest per-capita income of any in the US.

Connecticut’s medical marijuana program officially began when Governor Dannel Malloy signed the program into law back in 2012. Over time, the program has grown to meet the needs and demands of its over 53,000 participants. In 2021, Connecticut officially legalized adult-use cannabis for recreational purposes with Public Act No. 21-1.

Now, all adults over the age of 21 may purchase cannabis at adult-use dispensaries, possess up to 1.5 ounces of cannabis on their person, and store up to 5 ounces of cannabis in a locked container in their homes.

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Is Weed Legal in Connecticut?

YES. Cannabis is legal for both medical and recreational purchases in Connecticut.

Weed Legalization in Connecticut

Governor Dannel Malloy first decriminalized cannabis in Connecticut in 2011, ending the plant’s long history of criminalization in the state, dating back to the days of Richard Nixon’s Controlled Substances Act and the War on Drugs. The governor initially declared the desire to direct law enforcement resources away from cannabis and toward violent crimes as the reason for the change.

The very next year, Governor Malloy signed Connecticut’s medical marijuana program into law. Despite the program’s initial restrictions, it has expanded to allow around three dozen qualified conditions. Adult-use recreational cannabis came to Connecticut in 2021 with the passing of Public Act No. 21-1

As of November 2023, the consumption of cannabis is legal for medicinal and recreational use in the state of Connecticut.

Where to Buy Legal Cannabis in Connecticut

Qualified patients aged 18 and above can purchase cannabis from state-licensed medical dispensaries. Adults 21 and older can purchase cannabis at any adult-use dispensary.

In Connecticut, patients under 18 can gain access to medical marijuana only if they have a serious medical condition. Any patient under 18 requires an adult caregiver over the age of 21 to manage their medication. 

The states levies an ~20% tax on marijuana purchases, which covers:

  • Retail tax - 6.35%
  • THC content tax - 10-15%
  • Local business taxes at the town or city level - 3%

The state levies a 6.35% tax on medical marijuana purchases, which covers:

  • Retail Tax

Taxes from the legalized sale of marijuana in Connecticut are designated to support communities impacted by the failed War on Drugs, substance misuse and recovery programs, the prevention of underage use, and the enforcement of safe driving laws.

Is Cannabis Delivery Available in Connecticut?

YES, delivery is allowed for both adult use and medical use in Connecticut.

Where Can You Legally Use Weed in Connecticut?

Cannabis can be legally used in the following areas in Connecticut:

🗹 Private properties such as residences

🗹 Businesses with a commercial cannabis consumption license

🗹 Anywhere you can smoke tobacco (depending on local ordinances)

Cannabis CANNOT be consumed in:

X Public spaces (depending on local ordinances)

X Businesses that lack a license for commercial cannabis consumption

X Motorized vehicles in motion, for both driver and passengers

X State parks and beaches

X Federal land, including national parks

What are the Restrictions on Cannabis Possession in Connecticut?

Adults aged 21 and above may purchase and possess up to:

  • Cannabis:  1.5 ounces / 42.52 grams
  • Cannabis concentrates: 0.26 ounces / 7.5 grams

Adults aged 21 and above may store in a locked container:

  • Cannabis:  5 ounces / 141.75 grams
  • Cannabis concentrates: 0.88 ounces / 25 grams

For transfer to another adult:

  • Dried cannabis:  1.5 ounces / 42.52 grams
  • Cannabis concentrates: 0.26 ounces / 7.5 grams

Individuals may transfer, or gift, adult-use cannabis to other adults, with a few caveats. Medical marijuana products may NOT be gifted to non-patients, and individuals may not sell it without a cannabis license. Learn more about cannabis gifting in Connecticut.

For the state’s home cultivation program:

Medical marijuana patients 18 or older and adults 21 and older are able to grow up to 3 mature plants and 3 immature plants at home in Connecticut, with a cap of 12 total plants per household.

For medicinal use:

  • Dried cannabis:  3.5 ounces / 99.22 grams
  • Cannabis concentrates: 0.62 ounces / 17.5 grams

During vehicular transportation:

  • Cannabis may either be in a sealed container, or
  • Stored in the trunk of the vehicle
Get Your Connecticut Medical Card Online Get approved today in minutes with the nation's #1 trusted medical card provider. Get Your Card No appointment needed. Only billed if approved.

Have Questions About Getting a Med Card in Connecticut?

Learn more about medical cannabis in Connecticut with our extensive set of patient resources:

Successful team

The NuggMD Promise

We are a team of cannabis and technology professionals focused on connecting you with state-licensed doctors. We believe all people deserve access to medical cannabis if they think it might improve their quality of life. Since our founding in 2015, we’ve held ourselves and our partners to the highest standards to ensure every patient we serve is able to access reliable cannabis information, trustworthy medical practitioners, and proactive updates on the cannabis healthcare ecosystem and legislation that may affect their experience as a medical cannabis patient.

Whether you’re a cannabis connoisseur or thinking of becoming a first-time medical marijuana patient, our network of doctors will listen to your needs and give you an honest opinion about whether they think cannabis can help.

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