The Bald Facts: Does Smoking Weed Cause Hair Loss?

can weed cause hair loss
By Andrew Ward Updated March 8th, 2024

Fact-checked by Alexandra Arnett, MS

Medically reviewed by Dr. Brian Kessler, MD

Hair loss is a complex issue science is still learning about. The condition presents in many forms, from mild thinning to complete baldness, and occurs due to several factors. 

Hair loss is more common than some people may think. While often attributed to men, women experience hair loss as well. Various data sets will produce comparable results, but most research suggests that roughly 85% of men and 33% of women will experience hair loss in their lifetime. More than 50 million men and 30 million women in the United States will eventually be affected.

Numerous factors have been linked to hair loss. Some have suggested that cannabis be considered a possible contributing factor. 

Many want to know if smoking weed causes hair loss, but research is still in the exploratory phase. Some seem to believe that weed does the opposite and makes hair grow. 

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What Typically Causes Hair Loss?

The term "hair loss" covers all types of loss, ranging from mild thinning to total hair loss for any reason. While covering most symptoms, hair loss does not include standard daily scalp hair loss. On average, human heads lose 50 to 100 scalp hairs per day. However, if you notice more than the average amount is lost, your symptoms may be a sign of hair loss.

Several causes have been identified as triggers for hair loss, including

  • Age, 
  • Genetics, 
  • Alopecia areata, 
  • Cancer treatments or medications, 
  • Childbirth, 
  • Stressors, 
  • Coloring or perming hair, 
  • Tightly pulled-back hairstyles like high ponytails and friction, 
  • Hormonal imbalances, 
  • Scalp infection or psoriasis, 
  • Hair pulling, 
  • Scarring alopecia, 
  • STIs, 
  • Thyroid disease, 
  • Lack of nutrients like iron, biotin, protein, or zinc,
  • and poison. 

The most common types of hair loss are:

  • Telogen effluvium: This common form of hair loss stems from various triggers, including significant body stress, illness, surgery, or major infections. Changes in hormonal levels, including childbirth, have also been cited as common causes. This type of thinning results in thinner hair but typically not larger bald spots.
  • Scalp Fungal Infection: Causing patchy hair loss, often in children, certain types of fungi can infect the scalp, causing hair to break off at the surface. Scalps typically begin to flake or feel scaly before hair loss occurs. 
  • Alopecia areata: This autoimmune disease causes hair loss in one or more large patches. A complete loss of body hair is called alopecia totalis. Roughly 2% of the world is believed to have the condition.
  • Traumatic or Traction alopecia: Hair loss is caused by hairstyling techniques, like curling irons, hot rollers, chemicals, and other methods. A compulsive hair-pulling condition, trichotillomania, is also listed in the category. 
  • Hereditary pattern baldness: Also known as androgenetic alopecia, this category is the most common type of hair loss, covering traditional pattern baldness. Three factors are considered causes: 1) an inherited tendency toward baldness, 2) male hormones, and 3) increased age.

Can Cannabis Cause Hair Loss?

can weed cause hair loss

Some have claimed that weed does make hair fall out and may even cause balding. Research is not at a point where evidence is conclusive enough to make such claims. 

Researchers are still learning how smoking impacts skin and hair health. Some results over the years have linked smoking nicotine with adverse effects on follicular growth cycles and fiber pigmentation.1 Some researchers have hypothesized that hair loss effects could be used as an opportunity to educate the public against smoking.2 

Additional studies have concluded a "significant relation" between early onset graying in cigarette smokers under 30 but did not discuss hair loss.3 

But can cannabis cause hair loss? 

Early research on THC from 2007 found that via the CB1 receptor, THC and anandamide inhibited hair shaft growth.4

While it's impossible to say if cannabis does cause hair loss at this time, there may be potential for certain hair loss patients. While the research remains in its early stages, various cannabinoids are believed to play potential roles in advancing dermatology, with the ability to address multiple skin conditions such as:5 

Does Cannabis Help With Hair Growth?

Specific cannabinoids, namely CBD, have emerged as potential beneficial components. 

A 2022 study noted that CBD may cause hair growth. However, not all the news was positive, as the study indicated that high enough doses of CBD could produce negative results – and that various other phytocannabinoids may lead to hair loss.6

The study supported previous analysis claiming that CBD has demonstrated abilities to elongate hair shafts and increase Wnt signaling pathways, which regulate hair follicle growth and development. However, like the 2022 research, analysts noted that CBD's effects are dose-dependent, with high doses possibly causing adverse effects.7 

And while scientists aren't sure if cannabinoids will lead to long-term hair growth, they are noting cannabis' impact on certain individuals with hair loss. Surveys of over 1,000 people with alopecia areata found that cannabis helped relieve psychosocial symptoms related to the condition. However, cannabis did not improve their hair growth.8 

Another study from 2011 found that dronabinol, a synthetic THC, reduced hair-pulling in individuals with trichotillomania.9 

So, while it isn't yet possible to say weed makes hair grow, lower dose CBD shows promising signs. Keep an eye out for future research. 

Tips for Preventing Hair Loss While Using Cannabis

does thc cause hair loss

Preventing hair loss while using cannabis is somewhat similar to other commonly recommended preventative measures. Going off the most common types of hair loss, most people are encouraged to do the following to minimize their chances of hair loss:

  • Eat healthy foods
  • Keep stress levels low  
  • Avoid certain drugs and medications  
  • Keeping scalps free of any fungus   
  • Minimize or avoid certain hairstyling techniques  
  • Reporting any illnesses, infections, hormonal changes, or side effects to medical professionals

You may also want to avoid smoking and stick to edibles and other consumption methods. Most research today focuses on the effects of nicotine smoking. Still, much of the public remains concerned over any smoke, with most researchers often cautioning against the practice. 

It remains uncertain if smoking weed will cause hair loss or not. But if you are concerned about what smoke may do, consider a different consumption method. More than anything, you may want to prioritize dosing. Early analysis indicates CBD may benefit hair maintenance only in small amounts. Researchers are not sure when it concerns THC and other phytocannabinoids for hair. 

In any case, treating your hair is just like any other condition. You'll want to use caution and remember that results aren't uniform. Science is only just beginning to understand the true potential and possible pitfalls associated with cannabis. Whether smoked or consumed in another way, there is potential that various cannabinoids may help or harm your hair. It may also do nothing at all.

Until we get out of this uncertain time, you should practice caution. Speak with a medical professional before using CBD or anything else to address hair loss. 

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  1. Babadjouni A, Pouldar Foulad D, Hedayati B, Evron E, Mesinkovska N. The Effects of Smoking on Hair Health: A Systematic Review. Skin Appendage Disorders. 2021;7(4):251-264. doi:
  2. Trüeb RM. Association between Smoking and Hair Loss: Another Opportunity for Health Education against Smoking? Dermatology. 2003;206(3):189-191. doi:
  3. Zayed A, Shahait A, Ayoub M, Yousef AM. Smokers′ hair: Does smoking cause premature hair graying? Indian Dermatology Online Journal. 2013;4(2):90. doi:
  4. Telek A, Bíró T, Bodó E, et al. Inhibition of human hair follicle growth by endo‐and exocannabinoids. The FASEB Journal. 2007;21(13):3534-3541. doi:
  5. Sheriff T, Lin MJ, Dubin D, Khorasani H. The potential role of cannabinoids in dermatology. Journal of Dermatological Treatment. 2019;31(8):839-845. doi:
  6. Gupta AK, Talukder M. A Cannabinoid Hairy‐Tale : Hair Loss or Hair Gain? Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology. Published online October 2022. doi:
  7. Smith GL. Hair Regrowth with Novel Hemp Extract: A Case Series. Int J Trichology. 2023;15(1):18-24. doi:10.4103/ijt.ijt_34_22
  8. Huang K, Han J, Faletsky A, Mostaghimi A. Cannabis use among patients with alopecia areata: A cross-sectional survey study. International Journal of Trichology. 2022;14(1):21. doi:
  9. Grant JE, Odlaug BL, Chamberlain SR, Kim SW. Dronabinol, a cannabinoid agonist, reduces hair pulling in trichotillomania: a pilot study. Psychopharmacology. 2011;218(3):493-502. doi:

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